🎯My Mission🎯

Whether society accepts it or not, ALL men are biologically designed to be bigger, stronger, faster, leaner, and fiercer. My job, is to simply help you UNLEASH the champion within, and help you transform into the embodiment of Dominance, Discipline, and Direction… A Team3DAlpha.


❓About Migan

Migan is the founder of Team3DAlpha, and the creator of the Nucleus Overload® training program, HSP Training™, and the Team3DAlpha Daily Routine. A fluent French speaker and citizen, he was born in Cote D'Ivoire, moved to New York City at age 11, learned English there in only 3 months and has lived in the states ever since. He began High School at the young age of 12, entered college at age 16, but after years of combating severe depression due to the traumas of his childhood and life, he dropped out of college a whopping 3 times and went on to live an empty, purposeless life.


Nevertheless, due to his strong beliefs in the core values of masculinity, he decided to ditch all excuses, picked himself back up, and turned his entire life around by immersing himself in the search for knowledge and wisdom. He immediately went on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Corporate Finance and a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Consulting, Strategy & Analysis, after completing 3 Associate of Arts & Science degrees in Business Administration, General Studies, and Liberal Arts. During that time, he founded "Team3DAlpha", a movement aimed at helping men everywhere achieve the 3Ds of masculinity, which are Dominance (competence in one's field), Discipline (mental toughness, courage and honor), and Direction (strong ambition coupled with a vision to make the world a better place). He is a big proponent of “zero excuse self-improvement”, and through his “Team3DALpha Daily Routine”, educated himself on various topics including Neuroscience, Military Science, Strategy, Muscle Hypertrophy, Human Physiology, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Stock Trading, Human Behavior & Psychology, Economics, Religion, History, Anthropology, Philosophy, and Human Evolution.


But of these, his 3 biggest passions have consistently centered around Testosterone optimization, male self-improvement, and muscle hypertrophy, where he has over 18 years of experience and has been training individuals for over 15 years, specializing in creating rapid muscle growth, fat loss, and strength in even the worst “Hard-gainers”. This broad base of knowledge and experience makes him an excellent problem solver and critical thinker, as he is able to pool information from the various disciplines he studied and use it to solve some of the most complex problems. In the end, his main mission in life is simply helping broken or lost men transform into the Kings they were always meant to be.